Through past disasters like 9/11, Hurricane Charley and Hurricane Michael, we have quickly found out that our government, local agencies, churches and ministries alone are not big enough to embrace and handle the magnitude of destruction these disasters bring. Specifically government and local agencies are not equipped to minister to the overwhelming emotional and spiritual needs of individuals affected by a disaster. Today, there is a growing sense of urgency amongst Christian leaders that at any given time anything could happen and churches must be ready! With the threat of future hurricanes, tornadoes, escalating threats of terrorism, bio-chemical warfare and pandemic catastrophes, the body of Christ in Greater Orlando, like Joseph in the Bible, need to be equipped to respond to the emotional, physical and spiritual needs of these individuals. In preparation for these short and long-term disaster relief efforts, GO-DRN is developing and training a network of churches and volunteers to organize, mobilize and connect in the event of a natural or man-made disaster.

Our current model represents three areas of focus.
We are a Network of Relationships.
It is at the core of everything we do. ADRN Coordinates with local and state government, disaster agencies, businesses, ministries and the local church. We facilitate and assist in communication, building bridges and fostering trust and understanding between the various groups involved.
We are Disaster Preparedness and Training.
We offer a variety of different training classes to prepare Christians emotionally, spiritually and physically for effectively respond in times of disaster. Our focus is to train them to be prepared as an individual or family and equipped to help their neighbor or city. ADRN also prepares churches to respond to emergencies within their community.
We are Disaster Relief Operations.
We deploy trained volunteers in times of disaster in multiple areas such as: Incident Command, Trauma and Emotional Care, Chaplaincy, Case Management, Sponsoring Surviving Families, HAM Radio Communications, Call Center Operations, Warehouse, Clean-Up, and more. ADRN has coordinated and managed over 5,000 volunteers in disaster response.
We believe our plan is simple and powerful when united under the banner of Jesus Christ.
It creates community among the Body of Christ.
The local church involved are autonomous in their approach to helping those in need
GO-DRN has divided the Greater Orlando area into sectors and is developing each of those sectors to respond to needs within a matter of hours after a disaster strikes. Each sector will have an GO-DRN Sector Leader that will organize and mobilize the community of churches, ministries and businesses within the sector to effectively work together.
Disaster Relief Coordinators
Each church, ministry or business participating will be asked to assign a dedicated Disaster Relief Coordinator (DRC) that will act as a liaison between their organization and GO-DRN.
Sector Leaders
GO-DRN’s Sector Leaders will primarily work with the Disaster Relief Coordinators (DRC) in their sector to develop volunteers, collect data, organize vital resources within their organization, coordinate training, implement the organization’s disaster plan and collaborate with other DRCs within the sector.
Church Designation
Each church that joins the network will be given one of four designations, depending on the size of the church. To keep it simple, these categories are: X-Large, Large, Medium or Small. By doing this, it will help us determine the number of families a church community may sponsor, depending on the number of people affected by the disaster.
Ministry & Business Designation
Each ministry and business that joins the network will also be designated as one of six categories: Food, Clothing, Shelter, Furniture, Warehouse and Transportation. By categorizing ministries and businesses, this will help GO-DRN determine in advance our network’s resources and help us work efficiently and effectively in a timely manner.
Sponsoring Families
Our ultimate goal is to make sure every family affected by a disaster is sponsored by our network of churches to provide for their emotional, physical and spiritual short and long-term needs in an effective, efficient and organized manner. We believe this is the Lord’s heart. GO-DRN will help identify and train Disaster Relief Shepherds (those who will walk with these families) within a church and will provide additional resources to participating churches through our network of ministries and businesses, to help meet these families’ needs.

An active, empowered network of prepared churches, bringing hope into crisis through the transforming power of Jesus Christ to every life and community we serve.
Revelation 19:7
GO-DRN is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charity. Donations are tax deductible.